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Rhododendron Clearance

Rododendron ponticum was first introduced into Britain in the 18th century as an ornamental plant. With its beautiful blooms of light purple flowers in late spring it quickly become popular as a parkland plant used as cover for game birds, however it soon became apparent how vigorous and invasive the species was.

Rhododendron thrives in milder and wetter areas and puts out dense and rapid growth which quickly out-competes native plants significantly reducing biodiversity. It is readily spread by seed, as well as by layering of the stems which root where they touch the ground. Furthermore, it is also host to Phytophthora a fungus-like pathogen that affects many other plants and trees. This for example can lead to Sudden Oak Death, which has caused the death of thousands of oak and larch trees.

With it’s intrusive habitat, rhododendron can be a challenge in many situations where access to the forest floor is needed. However our team of experienced machinery operators can help with clearance jobs of all sizes.

Vegetation clearance completed on estate parkland in Nottinghamshire to help restore biodiversity and allow access for ecologist to carry out tree surveys.

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